Friday, February 26, 2010

Sketch Blog #6

Finally, I was able to sit down and just...draw something and actually felt happy about it, especially for a class. I used myself as a reference and collected several references I had and photos of a while fluffy hooded jacket I have at home. My main color scheme was purple and yellow but then I used the wrong colored pencil for the scarf and it turned orange (opps). So in the end, I was happy with what I did. I was disappointed in myself...scratch that, I am disappointed in myself for lack of challenging myself and creating more time on drawing.

This drawing is on watercolor paper. Prisma colored pencils, Gouache, graphite pencil and oil pastels. Critiques of my own: No focal point really. I feel the eye was no where to run except everywhere and the brightest and saturated yellow pulls the eye to that area. I didn't mean for the eyes to turn green...yellow was a BAD mix with blue. Simple Color Theory problem and I was stupid to ignore it. Glove. The glove looks funny. I don't know, maybe better folds would have helped it more. And the eyes are large but I don't mind that so much. Positive things I have to say: I love the fur texture and folds. The scarf could have been better but I was pleased with the scarf over the lower half of the face. Mixing media. I find it fun and a relief to use actual mediums I can touch. This was actually my 2nd attempt at the project. The old one turned out terrible. So this was the best I could come up with at the moment. I am praising God for getting me 1/2 through this semester. :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sketch Blog #5

I took time tonight to draw and color with colored pencil an image for someone on DA for Valentines day. After I drew and colored, I used a thinner to blend the colors and then scanned in. Sadly, when I scanned in the image, it turned out finny and thus came photoshop. It looks much better in my opinion but I still like the original a lot more...well, not the scanned in one...the original looks 100 times better than the scanned in image.

After Photoshop:

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sketch Blog #4

With severe pain in my hip/leg area, I been laying around in my dorm room, on my bed. I hate moving and getting up to even use the rest room or even eat. Showering is hard, luckily we do have a tub so I just take a bath or just sit. Also with some ex-boyfriend issues and school and money issues, I been tied down to doing things I enjoy which does not account to anything posting wise. So I am just going to upload what I have been working on as a commission. I will only show a small portion and it will be my character Penda but I am trying new things on photoshop and approaching it in a different style. Oh gosh, since Illustration III, I have been doing animals more realistic. I don't mind, I learned a lot about animal anatomy while doing research and I hope to buy some animal books so I can learn more about different animals. I have 2 eye-witness books, one on Cats and one on Dogs and they are helpful since I like simple books made easy to read with a lot of pictures. Another goal is to get a camera of great working condition so I can go out to zoo's and photograph animals. Oh I wish I had a car and money and a camera! Anyways, so here's a small preview with only 3 layers of coloring. I love the Multiply option for layers. I just found out about it on Christmas break!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sketch Blog #3

Illustration 2 with Professor Mazellan is probably the best class I can have at the moment. Its not just the fact that I really don't want to be in the class but the fact that I hate it so much is what is making this class one that I am going to learn in. I am not sure why I don't like the class so much but I have a feeling its going to teach me to be better than any of the other classes I like. For our project, we were to do a sketch that was "finished" to class for us to work on during the time we have. I decided to go with something a little different.

The assignment was about Martin Luther King Junior and the freedom train theme. Watching clips, it really encouraged me to think about how so many people traveled to the Lincoln memorial just to hear MLK give his speech. I thought about how that had played a huge role in society and even though I was not alive to experience it, when I see the pool and the memorial, I think of MLK and the freedom the African Americans had to go through. I also thought about how kids have humility and how we are suppose to be like kids to get into the kingdom of heaven (Bible reference I know). Well, I drew two kids walking/jogging towards the memorial; ones African American and the other Caucasian. They are excited as the littl boy points at the destination. I also choose the "sun setting" as a time of day so that the memorial sort of "glows" and the path is like "gold". Its just to lead the audience into the whole "follow the yellow brick road" idea only...this is grass. :) Of course, the girls looks Ghostly in the sketch but its 2 in the morning and I will work more on it later today.