This drawing is on watercolor paper. Prisma colored pencils, Gouache, graphite pencil and oil pastels. Critiques of my own: No focal point really. I feel the eye was no where to run except everywhere and the brightest and saturated yellow pulls the eye to that area. I didn't mean for the eyes to turn green...yellow was a BAD mix with blue. Simple Color Theory problem and I was stupid to ignore it. Glove. The glove looks funny. I don't know, maybe better folds would have helped it more. And the eyes are large but I don't mind that so much. Positive things I have to say: I love the fur texture and folds. The scarf could have been better but I was pleased with the scarf over the lower half of the face. Mixing media. I find it fun and a relief to use actual mediums I can touch. This was actually my 2nd attempt at the project. The old one turned out terrible. So this was the best I could come up with at the moment. I am praising God for getting me 1/2 through this semester. :)

The textures turned out really well in this piece!