Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Sketch Blog #11

Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sketch Blog #10

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Sketch Blog #9
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sketch Blog #8
But for this exercise, I tried to focus more on shapes, hard line edges. I still need a lot of learning. :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Kitten riding a turtle

Friday, November 5, 2010
Senior Show

Male Bengal/Sib
erian Tiger
DOB 12/20/94
If you saw The Tiger Next Door on Animal P
lanet, then you saw the horrid conditions at the facility owned by Dennis Hill in Flatrock, Indiana. The Ti
ger Next Door didn't air until 3/25/2010 and it was about USDA taking away
The tigers in the documentary, The Tiger Next Door, that ended up at Joe Taft's place in Indiana, named Tony and Patty where Shere Khan's parents. When I visited in 1995 he had rows upon rows of dog run styled cages, a foot or more deep in rotting feces and mud, filthy water pans, flimsy cages, some had only a rope or belt to hold a door shut, no roofs on many of the cages and then there was the barn. You didn't see much of it in the film, but it was dark, filthy and crammed as full of leopards, tigers, cougars and other exotic cats as could be fitted in tiny, barren cages. The version on Animal Planet also didn't show much of Dennis Hill's house and the obvious signs of hoarding. It was so nasty I didn't want to touch anything in the house. My skin crawled from fleas and mites. I couldn't wait to get out of the house and back to our plane, but that is when I saw Shere Khan.
Shere Khan stole our hearts when we saw him on 3/12/95. Though he was bred to be a White Tiger, he was born “the wrong color.” His birth was a result of the incessant demand for White Tigers by a public that is fascinated by oddities. Though many people believe that the White Tiger is an “endangered” species that should be bred to be saved, this is a total lie. The White Tiger results from a color mutation that happens infrequently in the wild and usually is not passed along. White animals in a forest environment would not live long due to their inability to hide and sneak up on prey. When you hear the phrase “survival of the fittest,” remember that nature does not allow the genetically mutated White Tiger to survive in the wild nor should we in captivity.
Shere Khan did not have much of a chance for survival from the start. Dennis Hill had pre-sold him as a white cub, but the purchaser kept putting off his delivery date. He finally cancelled the sale when Shere Khan was already four months old. The breeders were left with a quickly growing cub on their hands and no other facilities for him other than a small carrier. He was up to his belly in feces and decaying food in a pet taxi that seemed to just bust at the seams with tiger fur. He never got the vitamins and exercise he needed as a growing cub, so his back legs were badly underdeveloped. He was very sick for a long time and suffered major problems from calcium deficiency. X-rays showed that his baby canine teeth were rotting in their sockets from his malnourishment and they had to be excised because they had rotted through his face. His bones were mere paper shells and one wrong jump could easily break a leg. We supplemented him three times a day with calcium to encourage healthy bones and teeth.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Interview with Tracy Butler
Monday, March 8, 2010
Sketch Blog #7

Giraffe's have always been one weakness of mine. Well, I guess not just giraffe's but horses because of their muscles and hoofs. While I was in San Diego, I had visited the San Diego zoo twice and was able to get some really good reference images of many different mammals which was a huge benefit for me. The only animal I wish I had more of were of the canine family. There were very few dog families and what I did fond of the feline family, ended up being bad shots. Maybe I will have better chances in the future. But I did get good pictures of Giraffes, Elephants, Flamingo's, Koala, and random other animals and landscape.

What I did learn about the animal is that at the tip of the horns have hair around the ends but in the center is a bump which is not covered by hair. Female horns are typically smaller than males and is one way tour guides can distinguish gender among them. Newborn's are born at around 5-6 feet tall and can live between 20-30 years...which is longer than a tiger which live 12-20 years old...most never make it to 20 years. They usually sleep around 2 hours a day in ten minute increments or the full 2 hours. A giraffe's heart can weight up to 20-25 pounds and is around 2 feet long and because of the long neck, it takes more muscles in the heart to pump the blood up.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Sketch Blog #6
This drawing is on watercolor paper. Prisma colored pencils, Gouache, graphite pencil and oil pastels. Critiques of my own: No focal point really. I feel the eye was no where to run except everywhere and the brightest and saturated yellow pulls the eye to that area. I didn't mean for the eyes to turn green...yellow was a BAD mix with blue. Simple Color Theory problem and I was stupid to ignore it. Glove. The glove looks funny. I don't know, maybe better folds would have helped it more. And the eyes are large but I don't mind that so much. Positive things I have to say: I love the fur texture and folds. The scarf could have been better but I was pleased with the scarf over the lower half of the face. Mixing media. I find it fun and a relief to use actual mediums I can touch. This was actually my 2nd attempt at the project. The old one turned out terrible. So this was the best I could come up with at the moment. I am praising God for getting me 1/2 through this semester. :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010
Sketch Blog #5

After Photoshop:

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Sketch Blog #4

Monday, February 1, 2010
Sketch Blog #3
The assignment was about Martin Luther King Junior and the freedom train theme. Watching clips, it really encouraged me to think about how so many people traveled to the Lincoln memorial just to hear MLK give his speech. I thought about how that had played a huge role in society and even though I was not alive to experience it, when I see the pool and the memorial, I think of MLK and the freedom the African Americans had to go through. I also thought about how kids have humility and how we are suppose to be like kids to get into the kingdom of heaven (Bible reference I know). Well, I drew two kids walking/jogging towards the memorial; ones African American and the other Caucasian. They are excited as the littl boy points at the destination. I also choose the "sun setting" as a time of day so that the memorial sort of "glows" and the path is like "gold". Its just to lead the audience into the whole "follow the yellow brick road" idea only...this is grass. :) Of course, the girls looks Ghostly in the sketch but its 2 in the morning and I will work more on it later today.

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Sketch Blog #2

This is all from a husky dog by the way, some dogs have droops like that and others don't...it depends on the breed. But I also noticed that the dogs "droop" mouth can be seen from the other side when drawing the mouth at an angle. The cut between the mouth under the nose is not as curved as cats as well, its more settle. I do hope to draw more canines in the future along with other animals.
Sketch Blog #1

I still use my Live Journal
and my art is displayed on Deviant Art